
Producers, Managers
and Convenors

$2.5b lost per month in business events shutdown

The need for immediate support – The necessity of shutting down gatherings of people to control the spread of the coronavirus has meant the business events sector is also shut down. Like other sectors that are reliant on people coming together, business events companies have been hit hard and fast by the rapid escalation of the virus around the globe.

Meeting of the Council of Australian Governments

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) held its 48th general meeting recently in Sydney. The discussion focussed on Australia’s response to coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) and on recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires. Leaders also made progress on a range of existing COAG priorities, directed at improving the current and future wellbeing of Australians. Protecting Australians from the impact of…


‘Holiday Here This Year’ – TV and Radio ads roll out  Tourism Australia’s domestic campaign, Holiday Here This Year, continues to roll out and gather momentum with new TV advertisements hitting the screens in regional Australia this week. This is in addition to the national radio advertisements that started airing last week, and the extensive out of home advertising seen…

CORONAVIRUS -The WHO continues to advise against any restrictions on international travel or trade

Still no WHO recommendation to restrict international travel. The WHO continues to advise against any restrictions on international travel or trade. Global cases of coronavirus continue to rise – virus reaches Belgium There are now over 24,500 confirmed cases of the coronavirus across countries. Belgium has reported its first confirmed case. The global death toll has risen to close to…

South Australia rallies to #BookThemOut

The South Australian Tourism Commission has today launched a recovery campaign for the regions devastated by bushfires in South Australia. The campaign coincides with the arrival of the first large cruise ship to Kangaroo Island since the fires that ravaged the island. The campaign, “Help them out, #BookThemOut”, focuses on encouraging tourists to visit both the Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo…

Department of Health update – Coronavirus

Following the Chief Medical Officer’s advice yesterday, the Department has now developed two fact sheets with more specific advice regarding the novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV). Please find one factsheet for hotel management and staff and the other for hotel guests at Hotels and Hotel Staff. Staff: Hotel Guests They include more information about preventive action staff and guests…

Updated medical advice regarding the novel coronavirus infection

Hotel and tourism operators, As you will be aware, we have updated medical advice regarding the novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV). I am sure that this has caused some concern amongst your industry and I am writing to provide some early advice and guidance. It is most important to note that the experts still believe this virus is, in the great…

Major push to get more business events into fire-affected regions

  Local businesses and event planners are being urged to hold major conferences and events in Australia this year, under a new push by the Morrison Government to support Australia’s tourism industry. Federal Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham said Tourism Australia’s Event Here This Year campaign was aimed at encouraging organisations to provide a much-needed boost to the local tourism industry…

ICC Sydney launched its 2020 Menu Collection at PCOA 2019

ICC Sydney launched its 2020 Menu Collection at PCOA 2019 this past December. Carefully curated by Executive Chef Tony Panetta, Director of Culinary Services, Lynell Peck and Beverage Operations & Cellar Manager, William Wilson, both beverage and food collections first featured on ICC Sydney’s stand as well as throughout the event’s catering to more than 400 attendees. ICC Sydney’s culinary…