
Producers, Managers
and Convenors

Warwick_Merry (2) 6.7.15Warwick Merry is thrilled to announce that he has been appointed as the National President of Professional Speakers Australia.

He believes in professional associations and being a member is not enough. Warwick said, “it is important that you contribute to the industry to which you belong. He has served several positions but this is the top one.

“Our industry has challenges, our association has challenges and our marketplace has challenges. They are not to be shied away from but to be faced and dealt with as best as possible.

“We have a great board and a strong team in each state, but still hard decisions need to me made and tough situations need to be faced. I am happy to delegate to get some of these things done.”.

Spiderman’s uncle said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” I think the reverse is also true. With great responsibility comes great power.

“I now have a responsibility to use my presidential power in a way that supports and grows all of our members, the market place and our suppliers and customers.

It won’t be easy, I may make mistakes but I will attack this role with enthusiasm and great joy knowing that at all times, The Buck Stops Here”

Warwick Merry – is the Master MC, at the 10th Annual PCOA Conference and Exhibition being held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, 26 – 28 November 2017