
Producers, Managers
and Convenors

3 combination logosGlobal Meetings Industry Day (GMID) is a day that unites the entire business events industry across the world, bringing together leaders from the meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions sectors to showcase the real impact that fact-to-face meetings have on people, business and communities. Meeting professionals from around the world participate in the international day of advocacy, with more than 120 events held across 6 continents in 2017.

This year’s tagline is “Real results, real impact, all around the world”.

Global Meetings

Communicating the value of business events
• The business events sector augments economic activity well beyond directly measurable metrics, underpinning knowledge creation and exchange, innovation and investment among other positive impacts (Deloitte Access Economics).
• International business events play a significant role in building a stronger, more productive and more diverse Australian economy (Deloitte Access Economics).
• Around the world, business events are being used as strategic tools for attracting trade and investment as well as global talent.
• For Australia, hosting international business events offers high yield and long-term benefits accruing from growth in the visitor and knowledge-based economies.

Show your support
Join the conversation online using the hashtag #GMID18 and tagging @pcoasn
Encourage your members and stakeholders to participate in sharing business events value story.

GMID Toolkit
Download the following social media images to share through your channels:
Business Events: delivering economic prosperity for Australia graphic
• Role of international business events in the Australian economy graphic
Ernst & Young BECA infographic

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