World first for Adelaide Convention Centre
Adelaide Convention Centre has cemented its global sustainability leadership position in the business events space by becoming the world’s first convention centre to achieve EarthCheck’s coveted Master status – a 15-year commitment to best practice in business and environmental sustainability.
EarthCheck is the world’s leading business advisory group specialising in sustainability and destination management for the travel and tourism industry. Adelaide Convention Centre has actively participated in the global EarthCheck program since 2007, consistently performing at above best practice in several key areas of social and environmental actions. In its most recent EarthCheck audit, the Centre demonstrated its ongoing sustainability leadership by being identified as the leader in the Australian business events industry when it comes to not only minimising waste to landfill, but also potable water consumption, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

The venue’s 2022/2023 EarthCheck audit highlights included:
- Adelaide Convention Centre achieved a greater than 99% diversion from landfill rate, the highest recorded rate of any convention centre in Australia;
- Adelaide Convention Centre’s average Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions are 72% lower than the Australian convention centre average, and more significantly, 60% lower than the next best recorded competitor within the Australian region; and,
- Adelaide Convention Centre’s average potable water consumption was measured at 73% lower than the Australian convention centre regional average, and 47% lower than all other recorded convention centres in Australia.
Eliminating waste to landfill
As part of Adelaide Convention Centre’s commitment to ongoing innovation in this space, the venue recently installed Adelaide’s first WasteMaster – an innovative on-site food and organic waste recycling system, which converts food waste to high value uses, including energy production, fertiliser and compost. Since the WasteMaster’s May 2023 installation, it has processed more than 43 tonnes of organic waste and produced more than 15 tonnes of nutrient rich fertilizer.
Adelaide Convention Centre also operates a comprehensive food redistribution program, which has seen the venue donate more than 200,000 unused meals to support local community organisations OzHarvest, Foodbank and Faithworks.
Reducing energy consumption
Since 2018, Adelaide Convention Centre’s energy consumption has reduced more than 40%, thanks a variety of different activities, including a staged transition to LED lighting. Currently 70% of lighting fixtures across the venue are LED, with a target to achieve 100% LED lighting by 2027.
Commitment to supporting local
Adelaide Convention Centre’s sustainability efforts extend to supporting local producers, with 97% of produce sourced from South Australian suppliers. This commitment to supporting local not only ensures visiting delegates enjoy a ‘taste of South Australia’ and supports local business but ensures that goods and services procured by the venue have reduced mileage and transport GHG emissions. Adelaide Convention Centre has also demonstrated it is socially sustainable through development of partnerships with local First Nations producers to plant, grow and supply native ingredients specifically for the venue’s Honest Goodness menu.
To learn more about Adelaide Convention Centre’s sustainability initiatives, visit

We are extremely proud to be the world’s first convention centre to achieve EarthCheck’s coveted Master status, reflecting a long-standing commitment to, and passion for, sustainability says Martin Radcliffe, General Manager – Adelaide Convention Centre.
At Adelaide Convention Centre, sustainability is embedded in everything we do, from our food and design to our practices and our people. We’re obsessed with energy and water conservation, responsible sourcing and minimising waste to landfill, and work closely with our clients on sustainable event management, including minimal impact exhibitions, to help reduce their event footprint for a better tomorrow.
The convention and event organisers we work with are highly motivated by supporting the environment and local communities, and it’s critical that we continue to go about our business sustainably.
As part of our commitment to this area, we recently employed a dedicated ESG Manager to oversee the delivery and implementation of our sustainability strategy, and I’m enthused where this work can take us in the coming years.
As the world’s first EarthCheck Master-certified convention centre, Adelaide Convention Centre has taken a significant leadership position in sustainability, and I commend their team on this fantastic milestones saysStewart Moore, CEO and Founder of EarthCheck.
Achieving EarthCheck certification is no easy feat as it requires total and ongoing dedication from the entire team. The passion and commitment demonstrated by the Adelaide Convention Centre team is not only evident in our interactions with them, but in the improvement of their results, year on year.
Since joining the global EarthCheck program, Adelaide Convention Centre has consistently performed at above best practice in several key areas and are leading by example.
The PCO Association are proud to be hosting the 15th Annual PCOA Conference & Exhibition 2023 at the Adelaide Convention Centre from the 10 – 12 December 2023.