Exciting News from Luna Park Sydney

Dear Friends,
As a valued friend of Luna Park, we are writing to update you on exciting plans that will soon be underway. Luna Park announced today that we will be investing $30 million to upgrade one of Australia’s best known and most loved destinations.
This investment will turn Luna Park into a world-class amusement park, fit for the 21st century, replacing some older rides with nine new, family-friendly rides and attractions.
We envisage that this investment will ensure that Luna Park remains commercially viable and competitive into the future and in turn, will provide great opportunities for our partners, suppliers, friends and alike to prosper in the Park’s projected uplift from financial year 2022 and onwards.
Ride construction will commence in February 2021 with the Amusement Park temporarily closing from 27th January 2021 and re-opening in late June 2021. Our Functions, Venues and Events will continue as per normal.
We believe this is great news for Sydney, great news for Luna Park and great news for our partners and guests. To find out more please visit our web site https://lpsyd.co/9newrides or contact your Luna Park representative.
We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Hearne
Managing Director
Luna Park Sydney