
Producers, Managers
and Convenors

Take your event to the next level with these adaptable hybrid event formats

  Take your event to the next level with these adaptable hybrid event formats Did you know hybrid event formats can adapt for a range of businesses and event styles? Understandably, a lot of businesses have been cautious about planning events in the current health climate. But equally, many others are embracing the power of technology to successfully deliver events…

The show (or event) must go on – here’s how you do it

Event organisers are a responsive, take-it-in-your-stride type. Throughout the last 14 months we have found ways to continue meeting despite uncertainty and the imposition of last-minute restrictions. Now with industries picking up pace once more and events returning to normal, we are beginning to ask ourselves; what is normal anyway?  Why return to the standard event when we can deliver so much more?

Spectacular new 360-degree virtual tour opens up the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre like never before

Spectacular new 360-degree virtual tour opens up the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre like never before. An interactive and immersive new 360-degree video will enable prospective clients to embark on a virtual site inspection and see the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) from a whole new angle. The innovative video, GCCEC360, invites viewers to walk through Australia’s…