
Producers, Managers
and Convenors

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Are you Accredited – PCOA President, Barry Neame says the PCO Accreditation program was established in 2009 to provide individuals and businesses with a set of standards that are recognised as the minimum standard level of service and business practices.

“The PCO Association offers two types of Accreditation that provide individuals and businesses with a set of standards that are recognised as the minimum standard level of service and business practices.

“The Certified Event Manager (CEM) is a peak professional standard for event managers and the Certified Event Company (CEM) certification is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments of intelligence/academic ability, industry qualifications, experience and quality of delivery. CEM accreditation is offered across the various membership types with varying accreditation criteria for each member type.

“For a company to be awarded CEC accreditation with the PCO Association, it must have a minimum of one CEM employed in the business and additionally satisfy certain other criteria”.

For further information on accreditation or to apply, visit the Association website here

Join us for the 10th Annual PCOA Conference and Exhibition, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, 26 – 28 November 2017