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PCOA and BEIA sign MOU to strengthen business events industry in Australia and New Zealand

The Professional Conference Organisers Association Inc (PCOA) and Business Events Industry Aotearoa (BEIA) have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding that aims to enhance the business events industry across Australia and New Zealand.

This strategic partnership underscores the importance of collaboration and the shared vision of both organisations to elevate the sector’s global competitiveness and sustainability.

The signing took place at BEIA’s annual flagship tradeshow for business events professionals, MEETINGS 2024 in Rotorua.

The MOU has been in the making for over 12 months, with PCOA President Barry Neame and BEIA CEO, Lisa Hopkins at the helm, diligently working to bring this landmark agreement to fruition. Their commitment to fostering strong relationships and leveraging synergies between these two key business event associations highlights the critical role of co-operation in driving industry growth and resilience.

Barry Neame (PCOA) and Lisa Hopkins (BEIA)

This partnership comes at a pivotal time for the business events industry, which has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years. By combining resources and expertise, PCOA and BEIA are poised to provide enhanced support to their members, fostering innovation and excellence in event planning and execution. The MOU will facilitate knowledge sharing, and the development of professional standards that reflect the highest industry benchmarks.

PCOA President, Barry Neame, visiting New Zealand from Canberra, and BEIA Chief Executive Lisa Hopkins signed the agreement together. They were joined by BEIA Board Chair, Martin Snedden and Arna Wahl Davies, Chair of the BEIA Approved PCO group,  PCOA Councillor, and New Zealand representative. Members of the Approved PCO group also witnessed the signing.

Barry Neame says this agreement marks a significant milestone for the two organisations.

“By working together, we can harness our collective strengths to create a more dynamic and resilient business events sector. Our members will benefit from increased opportunities for professional development and collaboration, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of events across our regions.

Lisa Hopkins says the signing of this MOU is a testament to the strong relationship between BEIA and PCOA.

“We recognise the immense potential that lies in our collaboration, and we are excited to embark on this journey together. Our shared goal is to support our members, business partners, and suppliers and showcase the exceptional capabilities of the business events industry in Australia and New Zealand.”

Innovation is a key focus of the agreement. “Both our organisations are encouraging new approaches and creative solutions, and it is exciting to be sharing knowledge and ideas for our mutual success,” she says.

The MOU sets the stage for a range of collaborative initiatives, including advocacy efforts, and educational programs designed to address the evolving needs of the business events industry. By working together, PCOA and BEIA aim to create a unified voice that can effectively support the business events communities.

PCOA represents event management professionals across Australia and New Zealand. Business Events Industry Aotearoa (BEIA) is the membership-based association for New Zealand’s business events sector.

Their agreement, which has a term of four years, recognises the two diverse organisations’ continuing shared interest in the promotion of the events industry, professional development activities, and upskilling of practitioners.